Sunday, May 24, 2009

Diagnose: Lebensgefahr - Transformalin

First, I want to explain how about the mystery of the musician here. He is also the singer for the band Silencer, which had amazing instrumentals but his singing completely ruined it. Apparently, during the recording of Silencer, he cut off his hands and replaced them with pig trotters. He was then sent to institution, and they decided that for his rehabilitation, he should record an album. This is the album. I must say that this album is awesome, and it is probably the scariest album I've ever hear. Listen to this album in the night on your own, and you'll be freaked out. It's basically like Nine Inch Nails if he was mentally insane. I don't know if he actually is insane, or if he's faking all of this, but either way it's an awesome album.

Load it down!

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